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Vacation in 6 days!

Hello! I know it’s been awhile since we last talked. We’ve had such a busy summer and fall… a nice problem to have, really ???? When I do write to you, it’s usually to tell you about a number of things. I do try to put everything I have to say in one single newsletter, …

What is Géogène?

Géogène = that which comes from the earth Micro-roasting = our same artisan roasting, respectful of the nature of the product, on a much smaller scale. Lets start at the beginning. Coffee and the way it is cultivated, fermented, stored, roasted, brewed and savoured has greatly evolved in the last few years. In this blog …

Coffee Conservation

For my first real article on the new blog, I wanted to answer the two questions we get asked most often: What is the best way to conserve my coffee and how long can I keep it? Buy only freshly roasted coffees. At , we roast your coffee when you order, so you are …

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