Hello to you, our dearest coffee lovers! First off, we had a small technical hiccup yesterday so we’d like to apologize for the newsletter you received that was not supposed to go out… sorry ???? Christmas is fast approaching and 2018 is already in its final stretch. Wow! What a year! At least it was …
Northern Coffee
Hello dear coffee lovers! Did you have a nice summer? Going back to work (or back to school) wasn’t too difficult? We can’t say we didn’t have enough sunshine, or heat for that matter, it was exceptionally hot! Did you know that we had at least 6 different heatwaves during the summer? WOW! With summer …
Hello to you, our beloved caffeinated friends! We hope you had a wonderful Holiday season. Did your year start out well? Did you make new resolutions for 2018? Yes? We did too! We will try to do more promotions this year, hopefully one every 2-3 months. Not bad, hey? And since Valentine’s day is approaching …
Hello dear coffee lovers, No, we’re not talking about our Prime Minister, we’re talking about the company! ???? We have just now received all of our gifts. So, as we mentioned last week on our Facebook page and our web site, our Christmas Promotion is finally here! This is the perfect time of the year …
Hi everyone! Promotions, green coffee and lots of new things brewing… We had too much to share with you to fit in just one newsletter, so we decided to put it in our blog! This way, you can easily go back to it if you have any questions. Aside from the fact that we are …
Géogène = that which comes from the earth Micro-roasting = our same artisan roasting, respectful of the nature of the product, on a much smaller scale. Lets start at the beginning. Coffee and the way it is cultivated, fermented, stored, roasted, brewed and savoured has greatly evolved in the last few years. In this blog …
Hello all! Summer is sadly almost over but hopefully, we still have many hot days to come 😀 So we decided to share with you a great blog article written by one of our customers, on his experience with iced coffees. Happy reading! Hello! My name is David and I am a coffee purist. For …