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SKU: NC-0000117–blends In: Recommended Infusions: ,

House Blend

16.00$ or subscribe and save 5%

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1lb with valve 2lb recyclable 5lb plastic 5lb compostable


Our house blend is a mix of our unbelievable blend, and 30 % Kenya dark roast. A deliciously strong and spicy coffee, that will appeal to dark roast aficionados, with its 80% dark roast profile.

WEIGHT: 454 g (1 lb)

Our house blend is a mix of our unbelievable blend, and 30 % Kenya dark roast. A deliciously strong and spicy coffee, that will appeal to dark roast aficionados, with its 80% dark roast profile.

For more information on the Kenya AA, click here.

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House Blend
16.00$ or subscribe and save 5%