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SKU: NC-0000035–arabicas In: Recommended Infusions: , ,

Colombia Supremo

12.60$15.75$ or subscribe and save 5%

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1lb with valve 2lb recyclable 5lb plastic 5lb compostable


The Colombian Supremo has subtle spicy notes and sweet and refined aromas. Sometimes bold for a good morning wake up, sometimes smooth for a relaxing evening, it is a well balanced, moderately acidic and suave coffee.

Taste the best of Colombia!

WEIGHT: 454 g (1 lb)

The history of Colombian coffee would not be complete without a mention of Juan Valdez. This fictional character was created in 1958 by the National Federation of Colombian Coffee Growers to represented Colombian coffee farmers. They wanted their advertising to show how 100% Colombian coffee distinguishes itself from blends with coffee beans from other countries.

Colombia Supremo beans are larger than other Colombian coffees and, as its name implies, it is the highest quality Colombian coffee you can find.

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Colombia Supremo
12.60$15.75$ or subscribe and save 5%