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I am now a Fortysomething…

I’m changing decade!! Like many, I too have reached this dreaded number that A LOT of people dislike. I, business partner, customer service manager and part time blogger for this great company, am turning 40 today… 40! It seams like not so long ago, I was still in school…

The number doesn’t really scare me, but… when I was younger, I thought people that age were so old. Today, it’s my turn. But I feel so far from old! I feel like I’m living such a great life. My boyfriend and partner helped me to realize this and I agree with him 😉

Truth be told, if I look back at all that I have accomplished in my life up until now, I would say that I am so very proud

  • I work for a great company in which I believe, our own
  • I have 2 beautiful, intelligent, healthy, resourceful boys
  • I have a fabulous business and life partner, my best friend and lover, who knows how to treat his lady
  • We have a wonderful home
  • We have everything we need

I could go on and on. Honestly, if something were to happen to me tomorrow, I would leave this earthly plane with a peaceful heart. I would have accomplished many things and lived a beautiful life. However, I have so many other great thing that I would like to experience, I’m not done yet! I want to live life to the fullest!!

I want to travel the world, become a grandmother, take care of my grandchildren, sit on the porch with my boyfriend and reminisce about how we met, how we got through tough times and didn’t have it easy at first… All the difficulties, the joys, the pain and the memorable moments of the last 40 years were all worth it, and I regret nothing! I am contented!

With an absent father and a mother who worked three jobs just to make ends meet, I was often left on my own; so to come out of that and make a great life for myself is quite an accomplishment. Thankfully, I was always surrounded by the love and support of friends and other family members.

Is it necessary to celebrate the fact that our life is getting shorter or that we are getting older? Bleh! But when I think about it, I would say yes! Why? Because it is the perfect opportunity to reunite all the people I love and all the people who love me. It is because of them that I am the person I am today.

To all my friends and family, 40 times thank you!

Nancy xxx

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