2019 in Review Hello to you, our beloved caffeinated friends! Christmas is fast approaching and 2019 will soon be over. It’s been quite a year for us: lots of stress, lots of new clients, lots of changes, but the best is yet to come! We’ll let you know all about it when the time is …
Blue Mountain
Hello Everyone! I had a question recently from a customer asking me why our Blue Mountain was not available anymore. I thought the answer would make for an interesting blog post, and it would also give me the opportunity to announce the arrival of our newest Rare Coffee. But first, Jamaica. It’s really not going …
As the expression says, « It takes all kinds… ». And, as for wine, some prefer theirs strong, mild, fruity, etc. Same thing for coffee. So there’s no right and wrong here. In this post, I’ll try to introduce you to some superior importation coffees and get you to know them better. Two of them …