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Beauty and Coffee

I truly appreciated your comments on my first post. They were all pertinent and encouraging. As a follow-up, here are a few easy home recipes (some of which I tested myself) to make your life a little easier. They are affordable and eco-friendly.

For starters, what about an anti-cellulite cream made with coffee grounds that you can prepare and use in the comfort of your own home? Just like a home Spa! Nothing easier or cheaper. Coffee grounds can be very useful in skin care because of the caffeine it contains. It acts against cellulite by performing tissue drainage and decongestion.

Oh yes… I’m diving in! This is one of my first posts and I really hope you like it. Few people don’t like coffee! We drink it at breakfast, after a copious meal or simply to relax. And why not add some of our favorite alcoholic beverage to it. A lot can also be said …

Coffee Conservation

For my first real article on the new blog, I wanted to answer the two questions we get asked most often: What is the best way to conserve my coffee and how long can I keep it? Buy only freshly roasted coffees. At , we roast your coffee when you order, so you are …

Welcome everyone! The  Northern-Coffee blog is finally live! We want to make it a useful resource for coffee tips and news as well as announcements from us about promotions, specials and more. But what we mostly want is to get closer to our fabulous clients! We want to find out what you like and what you …

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