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Easter Promotion – What would Easter be without chocolate… and coffee?!! 🐰


– Coffee and chocolate lovers, be warned! This promotion could make you even more addicted!

Those who were with us last year might remember our famous chocolate covered coffee beans… can you see where we’re going with this?

We therefore offer you an Easter celebration full of deliciousness! With all orders of minimum 4 lbs (or $50) made now until April 9 inclusively (or until we run out ☹), receive 100 g of chocolate covered coffee beans … Yum! Yum! If I were you, I would hurry before they’re all gone.


We know that many of you regularly order the same coffees, so, in our quest to always serve you better and to make your life easier, we are offering you a 20% discount on your first subscription order!!

To take advantage of this offer, use the code easter20 when creating your subscription and let the coffee come to you!!

Have a lovely Spring and a Happy Easter everyone!

Your devoted and caffeinated Team


  • No coupon code required – You will automatically receive 100 g of chocolates in your order
  • Minimum purchase of 4 lb or 50$
  • Valid until April 9 at MIDNIGHT (EDST) or while supplies last
  • Please take note that the cut off time can be changed at any time without notice, depending on demand. Please check your emails to see if your order has been shipped

1 thought on “Easter Promotion – What would Easter be without chocolate… and coffee?!! 🐰”

  1. Received my chocolate covered coffee beans this week and they are wonderful.
    They have been fun to share with others as well.
    Thanks for this.


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