What a weird year it’s been, hasn’t it? Most of us would love to just forget about 2020, us included! It’s been a challenge, dealing with these new realities… But, as we mentioned in our May 27 post, some of these realities are nice problems to have. Indeed, as of November 11 (less than a year), “1000 new clients” have chosen to start their mornings with us! Two things come to mind: WOW! and above all, a thousand thanks! We really hope to keep and deserve your trust for a long time to come ♥
* Due to the many orders received, please note that we can change the cut-off time (10am) at any time, without notice.
The newsletter
We realized at the beginning of November that we had not had any new subscribers to our newsletter since the end of August, despite many new customers… It turns out that we had a problem with the system and that the tool we were using also was “overwhelmed” by events ???? Our small team worked very hard and was able to remedy the situation.
So this is now settled! Yeah! And it’s the reason you’re receiving an email today. We wanted to notify all our customers of this issue and give you the chance to receive important information, such as delays, promotions, schedules, new products, etc. If you do not subscribe or confirm your subscription, you will not receive any newsletters.
Don’t miss this info and subscribe with the form on this page!
Will we have a Christmas promotion?
As you know, it has not been easy this year, promotion-wise…
- First, several businesses were closed or could not meet our demand;
- Second, we ourselves had a difficult time meeting the daily demand and had to work 6 days a week just to keep up, and that’s without doing any promotions.
Bruno and I analyzed, researched, brainstormed… And after much soul-searching, we decided to postpone our promotion and hope to be able to do it in January. The challenges of this pandemic will not make it possible this holiday season. Which means that for the first time in almost 20 years, we won’t be doing a Christmas promotion.
We’re going to have to review the way we operate, most probably start looking for a larger location (to have a bigger green coffee inventory), maybe even hire! This will all be part of the things to think about during the holiday break. Hope we come back to you in 2021 with answers and solutions!
A reappearance!
We are happy to inform you of the unexpected return of a delicious, beloved and rather hard to find coffee, the Salvador Pacamara Santa Leticia! ???? Yes! It had been missing from our inventory for almost 3 years.
Its regular price will be $ 19.50/lb, but we are offering it at a discount for a limited time at $ 17.50/lb!
Delivery time
Shipping delays are much better now. Even though Canada Post has added an extra day to its delivery estimates, the stats for speed of delivery are very good, with an average delivery time of 2.3 days for all packages delivered across Canada. In fact, Canada Post boasts of having hired several new employees and of having reviewed the operation of their many sorting centres. With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s always a good idea to be prepared ????
Let’s be eco-responsible!
You know, as a company offering many eco-responsible coffees, we’re trying to find every possible way to be green ourselves, without penalizing you or compromising the quality of our products. We know the bags we presently use are unfortunately not recyclable, due to the quality of the plastic needed for maximum freshness, so that’s why we would like to give you some additional options.
For a quantity of 5lb or more of the same coffee, we also offer 5lb non-recyclable plastic bags, which makes for less plastic than many 2lb or 1lb bags. Or 5lb recyclable/compostable paper bags, that are much better for the environment but really unsatisfactory for storing your coffee (an airtight container is recommended).
Also, many of you ask us for 1lb bags, when ordering 2lb or more of the same coffee. In the case of a joint order for several different people for example, that’s understandable. If, however, you’re hoping to keep your coffee fresher longer, here is some information that could possibly influence your decision.
Taking into account that:
- Our bags were conceived to preserve freshness (unidirectional valve as well as heat sealed);
- The loss of aroma is barely perceptible up until 5 weeks after roasting;
- Even if you exceed 5 weeks, your coffee will still be fresher after 2 months than coffee bought in supermarkets, since it is roasted on the day it will be shipped to you (supermarkets, ????);
- You can always freeze your unopened coffee bags if you do not plan to consume them quickly (more than 2 months);
Please avoid asking for 1lb bags as much as possible and take 2lb and even 5lb bags (of the same coffee of course) if you can. This will help our overall ecological footprint by reducing the amount of plastic and would give us a real helping hand while processing your orders.
Here is a small diagram that may help you decide.
Holiday schedule
Thursday December 24 2020 Closing at 10 a.m. (ET)
Friday December 25 2020 Closed – MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Weekend Closed
Monday December 28 2020 Closed
Thursday December 31 2020 Closing at 10 a.m. (ET)
Friday January 1 2021 Closed – At last 2021!
Weekend Closed
Monday January 4 2020 Closed
Final thoughts
The holidays will not feel the same this year. In my heart, it’s as if Christmas is on holiday ???? So if you’re in a similar mood, you might want to take this time and take care of yourself, rest, spend some time cooking with the kids (partner, roommates…), or if you’re like me and have a tendency to procrastinate, take this time to do the things you keep putting off ????
But please! We certainly do not want a 3rd wave… with this unforgiving and hypocritical virus, we can be asymptomatic and still be contagious without knowing it. So please take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Lastly, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who makes our success possible. To you and your loved ones, we wish you prosperity, happiness but most of all, a vigorously healthy 2021!
The Team