How was my first day at work?
So many details!!!!
It looked easy but I knew that it wouldn’t be. Many, many procedures and a very different working style. Bruno explains well, but he talks as if I’ve been doing this for a long time. I have some knowledge, but I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the information. I guess that’s normal for a first day.
I took notes on EVERYTHING : how the coffee roaster works, how to keep the books, what are all the recipes for our house blends, etc. But I do admit I had a certain ease with everything related to credit cards… must be my inner shopaholic, lol!! I also took care of all the shipping and deliveries. I must have done a good job because I didn’t get any speeding ticket ;o)
One thing is for sure, we are very happy with our decision and I know we will make an amazing team!! I don’t know if my boss is happy with my first day at work, but I must confess that I have always been very proud of him and it is a privilege for me to work beside him.
We’ll see if we feel the same by the end of the week
To be continued…
Caféine as Nancy as @la_doucet 🙂